SHARON, Pennsylvania – The Shenango Valley Chamber of Commerce is accepting nominations for its annual Phoenix Recognition Awards through August 23.
To be eligible, an individual, company, or organization must be physically located in the Shenango Valley, do business in the area, or be a full member of the Chamber. The nominations are based on performance in the 2020 calendar year.
A nomination form, available HERE, must either be mailed or in person to Executive Director Olivia Brown at the Chamber’s offices at 41 Chestnut Ave. Sharon, PA 16146. In the “Business Description” section, nominees are asked to provide business goals, achievements, history, and any other supporting information such as news clips or letters of recommendation.
The categories for the Phoenix Awards are:
New Business Startup Award. This is a recognition of the growth in sales and employees in a start-up business (six to 36 months) in any line of business and with any number of employees, or for any company or organization that acts as a catalyst for new business start-ups.
Innovation award recognizes efforts to increase sales and employee growth through diversification or product / service development and encompasses all business areas and all levels of employment.
Growth manufacturing recognizes sales and employee growth in manufacturing. Sales and employee growth must be mapped in the local market area. Growth comparisons include comparisons between the previous calendar year and the previous year (2020 vs. 2019).
Growth service recognizes growth and expansion in business development that has a positive impact on the community – emphasis on process innovation and service improvement Services can be either for-profit or non-profit. Growth and / or expansion must be represented in the local market area. Expansion can be done on its own if significant financial investments are required. Growth comparisons are reserved for comparisons between the previous calendar year and the previous year.
Growth business recognizes business sales and / or employee growth. Sales and / or employee growth must be mapped in the local market area. The growth business includes for-profit companies whose employment levels have increased or increased their business revenues. Sales comparisons are reserved for comparisons between the previous calendar year and the previous year.
Facelift price recognizes a company or organization that contributes to the community pride of Shenango Valley through ongoing property maintenance, facade renovation, facility improvement or expansion, etc.
Published by The Business Journal, Youngstown, Ohio.