Phoenix business owner devastated by string of bad luck | Arizona News


PHOENIX (3TV / CBS 5) – They say bad things happen to three people and Ben Shipp can attest to that.

“I came right here and my truck was there. It was a beautiful morning and I wanted to put my pendant on, but it wasn’t there, ”he said.

Shipps trailer with everything he needs for his mobile garage was stolen from him while he was sleeping.

“I had a water tank, a compressor, and a generator, all I use for work, pretty much my livelihood that I had there,” Shipp said. He immediately contacted the Phoenix Police Department.

“We searched the area for security cameras and asked the neighbors to see if they knew what happened. We didn’t hear any new updates on the case,” said Sgt. Mercedes Assets.

But the whereabouts of his trailer is at the bottom of his list of Ships worries.

“I’m trying to get back on my feet and everything, but on the 28th I’m actually going to have surgery for my kidney cancer, so I’m thinking of where to go from there,” Shipp said.

It’s his cancer, his stolen trailer, and then, as if it couldn’t get worse, all of his clothes were stolen from the communal washer / dryer of his apartment complex.

“I just need help,” he said.

However, there is some hope that this business owner’s pendant will be salvaged

“In this case it has very specific identifiers, so we hope someone will recognize this trailer and give us some information,” said Sgt. Wealth.

“There’s a diamond-coated, probably a spade with maybe four playing cards, a very distinctive, large armor on the back that has my Ace Mobile Detailing on it,” Shipp said.

Despite his misfortune, Shipp sees a hidden blessing.

“I just kept working and working and not quitting, so I think maybe it was a blessing to have some time off before I go to my practice,” says Shipp.

“Shipp’s sister set up a gofundme page to support him for about a month while he is recovering from his surgery. He says he could use some of the money to get a new trailer if there was anything left.
